In 1926, the blind singer Dou Wun arrived in Hong Kong from Guangzhou at the age of sixteen. For fifty years, he sang professionally in brothels, opium dens, teahouses, a radio station, private homes, and, when destitute, on street corners. In 1975, I arranged for him to sing for three-and-a-half months in the Fu Lung […]
With reference to the acclaimed Hong Kong director Ann Hui 許鞍華, this lecture discusses the notion of “the guest’s perspective” in relation to Chinese idiom, cinematic form, and contemporary migration controversies. The lecture will include remarks on the film Night and Fog 天水圍的夜與霧 (2009).
The UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative is pleased to present “City Inscribed,” a series of public lectures and events in celebration of the launch of “Literature of Hong Kong” (ASIA 324) at the University of British Columbia.
On February 9th, 2018, the Department of Asian Studies will be presenting our annual Lunar New Year Celebration! To celebrate this most important holiday in both Chinese and Korean cultures, we would like to sincerely invite you to come and enjoy our wonderful performances, great food, interesting hands-on activities, and a meaningful seminar. You will […]
Final Round: Friday, March 9th, 2018
Atrium Lower Level, AMS Nest, UBC
香港大學馬詩帆教授及香港中文大學葉彩燕教授主講 「趣談廣東話」 “Cantonese Matters” Free Public Lecture (Cantonese) by Professor Stephen Matthews of the University of Hong Kong and Professor Virgina Yip of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
資深演員及電台主持李婉華小姐將分享多年演藝經驗,並討論粵語流行文化現況。場地座位有限,先到先得登記入場。 Renowned actor and radio host Miss Anita Lee will share her experience in the entertainment industry and thoughts on Cantonese pop culture. Seats are limited, first come first serve by RSVP. (Program in Cantonese)
NEW! The SECOND Night of Cantonese Stand-up Comedy with Vivek Mahbubani 棟篤笑之夜 2 Due to high demand of tickets we are adding a SECOND show to Cantonese Stand-up Comedy with Vivek Mahbubani! Register now before we sold out fast! 徇衆要求,Vivek Mahbubani 棟篤笑之夜加開第二場!請從速登記訂票,先到先得,額滿即止。 日期 Date: Saturday, March 30, 2019 時間 Time: 7 PM (Door opens at […]
On Friday, November 23rd 2019, over 150 students from various courses in the Cantonese Language Program spent their evening surrounded by music, food, and movie entertainment with their instructors and teaching assistants. The three-hour event kicked off with karaoke and mahjong. Students grabbed this opportunity to socialize with each other. Others took their time to […]