Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series – Popular Culture and Cantonese Language Education

Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series – Popular Culture and Cantonese Language Education

粵語流行文化大師班講座系列 –  《流行文化與粵語教學》

The three scholars in Cantonese education and culture will share their rich teaching expertise and examine the relationship between popular culture and Cantonese language education. Don’t miss this opportunity to interact with Cantonese language education scholars. (Program in Cantonese)

三位著名著名粵語及文化研究學者,會同我地分享寳貴教學嘅經驗,同探討流行文化及粵語教學之間嘅關係。唔想錯過同學者交流嘅機會就快啲登記,參加卑詩大學粵語流行文化大師班講座系列嘅 《流行文化與粵語教學》啦!(節目將以粵語進行)

嘉賓講者 Featured speakers:
史丹福大學張錫莉博士 Dr. Sik Lee Dennig (Stanford University)
Using Cantopop and movies for Cantonese students at different levels
香港教育大學劉擇明博士 Dr. Lau Chaak Ming (The Education University of Hong Kong)
YouTube and TV for language learning and dubbed animations for teaching language and culture
卑詩大學楊仼仼博士 Dr. Yang Renren (The University of British Columbia)
Politics of representing languages and regional dialects in Cantonese films.

Date:Friday April 02, 2021, 7 pm – 830 pm (Pacific time)

日期: 溫哥華時間 二零二一年四月二號 星期五 晚上七至八時半

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