CNTO 301/303 Basic Cantonese (Non-heritage)
Elementary level course in Cantonese for non-heritage learners with no prior exposure to or background in Cantonese. Focus on training for basic listening and conversational skills in Cantonese.
CNTO 311 Basic Cantonese for Mandarin Speakers
Basic oral and presentation skills in Cantonese. This is an accelerated course that covers content and topics similar to CNTO 301 and CNTO 303, but is structured specifically for heritage speakers of Mandarin.
CNTO 401/403 Intermediate Cantonese
Intermediate lower level Cantonese for non-heritage learners.
CNTO 451 Advanced Cantonese through Popular Culture
Popular culture in Hong Kong from media such as television, cinema, popular music, literature, social media, etc., through advanced authentic Cantonese listening and reading materials.