Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series – “Writing and Storytelling in Hong Kong 2.0”

Writing and Storytelling in Hong Kong 2.0

Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series – Ong Yi Hing, Hong Kong Writer

《香港文青樂與路及小說創作 2.0 》

粵語流行文化大師班講座系列 –  文學作家王貽興


Co-organized by Dramaonevan and UBC Department of Asian Studies

Supported by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto)

Dramaonevan 一劇場與卑詩大學亞洲研究學系合辦



Join us for an in-deep discussion of Hong Kong literature and storytelling with Hong Kong writer Mr. Ong Yi Hing. Dissect the challenges and critical moments on the creative journey of storytelling and share the literature writing experience from an insider perspective.



Program in Cantonese on Zoom

粵語講座於網上以 ZOOM 形式舉行


Moderators: Mr. Peter Poon, Ms. May Soo



Guest speaker: Mr. Ong Yi Hing 



Date:Thursday January 28th, 2021

Time: 7 pm – 9 pm (Pacific time)

日期: 溫哥華時間二零二一年一月二十八號 晚上七至九時

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