
給香港樂壇寫笑忘書 – 與陳嘉銘一席話 The Book of Unforgetting Canto-pop- A Conver sation with Chan Ka Ming
[Sharing] 邊走邊唱: 與黃耀明對話 Song of the Wanderers: A Conversation With Anthony Wong
Cantonese and learner corpora 粵語與學習者語料庫
UBC Cantonese Language Program 10th Anniversary 卑詩大學粵語課程十週年

UBC Cantonese Language Program 10th Anniversary 卑詩大學粵語課程十週年

UBC Cantonese Language Program 10th Anniversary 卑詩大學粵語課程十週年

A Conversation on Cantopop Production 廣東歌製作經驗對談

A Conversation on Cantopop Production 廣東歌製作經驗對談

Online Zoom 線上講座 Program in Cantonese 粵語節目

The Dragon’s Story: A celebration of legendary Bruce Lee with Stephen Au「永恆英雄——李小龍」:逝世50周年紀念分享會

The Dragon’s Story: A celebration of legendary Bruce Lee with Stephen Au「永恆英雄——李小龍」:逝世50周年紀念分享會

The Cantonese Language Program together with Chinatown Storytelling Centre and Theatre Dojo will be co-hosting the 50th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s passing. 

Cantonese Teaching Workshop 粵語教學工作坊

Cantonese Teaching Workshop 粵語教學工作坊

Join us for an immersive and dynamic Cantonese teaching workshop if you are interested and passionate about Cantonese teaching!

July 9th Community Days at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
Experimental Painting and Painting Theories in Colonial Hong Kong (1940-1980): Reflections on Cultural Identity- 香港繪畫美學 (1940-1980) 與文化身份的反思
Teaching and Learning of Chinese Words: Standard Chinese vs. Hong Kong Chinese