In 2020 Summer, UBC Cantonese Language Program launched the Cantonese through Popular Culture Master Class Series (粵語流行文化大師班講座系列) for advanced students from CNTO 451, where experts from different industries were invited as guest speakers. Due to popular demand, the series was open to the public. We appreciate your heartfelt support.
The Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series is returning in January 2021 with a new list of guests with a wide range of specialties. The series will kick off with a guest lecture on January 22nd by Mr. Cheung Tat Ming, award-winning Hong Kong actor, scriptwriter, and director. Registration details are on our Facebook and Instagram @UBCCantonese, as well as Dramaone’s official website
Hong Kong Drama Literature: The Birth of a Play
Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series – Cheung Tat Ming, Hong Kong Film Award Winner
《香港戲劇文學漫談 – 一個舞台劇本的誕生》
粵語流行文化大師班講座系列 – 金像演員張達明
Co-organized by Dramaonevan and UBC Department of Asian Studies
Supported by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto)
Dramaonevan 一劇場與卑詩大學亞洲研究學系合辦
Join us for a virtual fireside chat with Mr. Cheung Tat Ming, renowned Hong Kong actor and scriptwriter for theatre and film. Get an insider’s view of the creative journey of script writing and appreciate the wonders of theatre production.
Program in Cantonese on Zoom
粵語講座於網上以 ZOOM 形式舉行
Moderators: Mr. Peter Poon, Ms. May Soo
Guest speaker: Mr. Cheung Tat Ming
Date:Friday January 22nd, 2021
Time: 7 pm – 9 pm (Pacific time)
日期: 溫哥華時間二零二一年一月二十二號 晚上七至九時
報名 Registration: