Shortcuts to Learning and Teaching Cantonese

Inaugurating online event of our program’s 5th Anniversary: “Shortcuts to Learning and Teaching Cantonese” presented by authors Cream Lee and Shin Kataoka (Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, EDUHK). The textbook is being used by Cantonese programs across the world.
卑詩大學粵語五週年活動首炮:多間學校採用粵語課本 “A Shortcut to Cantonese” 作者李燕萍老師及片岡新老師(香港教育大學)主講,網上粵語講座「廣東話教與學速成」。
Program in Cantonese

Vancouver Time: November 6, 2020 (Friday) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

温哥華時間 十一月六號 (星期五)晚上六點半至七點半


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