Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series – Singing and Talking about Cantopop
粵語流行文化大師班講座系列 – 《唱・談粵語音樂》
On February 26, Ashia Liu will present “Singing and Talking about Cantopop” where she will analyze Cantopop from an insider perspective, and share her experience of being a singer in Hong Kong.
Ashia 廖嘉敏小姐將於二月二十六號與我們探討如何從行內人的角度去剖析粵語流行音樂的奧秘,並分享如何現今成為歌手的經驗之談。
Program in Cantonese on Zoom
粵語講座於網上以 ZOOM 形式舉行
Speaker: Ms. Ashia Liu
講者: 廖嘉敏小姐
Guest moderator: Mr. Chris Ho
Date:Friday February 26th, 2021
Time: 7 pm – 9 pm (Pacific time)
日期: 溫哥華時間 二零二一年二月二十六號 晚上七至九時