Preliminary round – February 6-7th, 2020 |初賽 – 2020 年 2 月 6-7 號
Final – March 27th 26th, 2020|決賽 – 2020 年 3 月 27 26 號
Final – March 27th 26th, 2020|決賽 – 2020 年 3 月 27 26 號
Announcements 最新消息
3/11/2020: Due to increasing safety concerns, we regret to announce the 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest has been cancelled this year. We express our sincerest gratitude for the participation and support of all student contestants, guests, judges, sponsors, and volunteers, as well as the general public. We hope to host the next contest in the near future. 基於安全考慮,我哋遺憾宣佈將取消第二屆卑詩大學粵語歌唱比賽。在此感激所有參賽者、嘉賓、評判及工作人員努力及大衆支持。我哋期望不久將來再舉行下一屆賽事。
3/2/2020: Due to current public health and safety concerns, the 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest has been rescheduled to Thursday March 26, 2020 broadcast live online from UBC campus to a global audience. Please stay tuned for more details and updates! 鑒於目前公衆衛生及安全考慮,第二屆卑詩大學粵語歌唱比賽將改於 2020 年 3 月 26 日星期四晚上 7 點正全球網上直播,大家可安坐家中欣賞賽事。請留意稍後更多詳情公佈。 2/16/2020: Free tickets will soon be available by RSVP. Please stay tuned for registration details. 決賽免費入場門票即將接受登記,請密切留意本頁嘅消息! 2/14/2020: Congratulations to the following finalists 恭喜以下決賽入圍選手: 2/8/2020: Thanks to all contestants who participated in the preliminary round. We will announce the list of finalists soon. Stay tuned! 多謝所有參與初賽嘅同學。我哋好快會公佈決賽嘅入圍名單,請密切留意本頁嘅消息! 2/1/2020: Registration for contestants has closed. Registered individuals will be contacted to participate in the preliminary round. 比賽已截止報名,我哋會聯絡參賽者安排初賽事宜。 1/15/2020: The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest is open to registration for contestants now! Please register by completing the registration form by January 31. 第二屆卑詩大學粵語歌唱比賽已開始接受報名!請喺 1 月 31 日或之前填妥報名表格。
1.1. This competition is open to all students who are currently enrolled in the University of British Columbia (for the "Cantonese as First Language" and "Cantonese as an Additional Language" divisions) or other post-secondary institutions (for the "Non-UBC" division), which include but are not limited to undergraduate, graduate, unclassified, and exchange students. In the interest of fairness, organizing committees' members and prior winners are not eligible to sign up as contestants. 1.2. All songs must be performed in Cantonese. A ratio of two to eight in other languages, for instance, English and Mandarin, is acceptable if necessary. 1.3. If desired, musical accompaniment in the form of an MP3 file must be submitted by January 31, 2020 via this link: You will be asked to sign up for an account for free. The MP3 file must not be longer than the time limit (2 minutes for preliminary rounds and 4 minutes for the final round), and it must not contain main vocals, but backing vocals are acceptable. Alternatively, contestants may play their live instruments as musical accompaniment. Contestants must bring their own musical instruments if they choose to play live instruments. Please note that the time limit includes the time to set up your instrument. 1.4. Adjudicators will rate one's performance based on five criteria. The weighting of the criteria is as follows: “Cantonese as First Language” Category: “Cantonese as an Additional Language” Category: “Non-UBC” Category: 1.5. Illegal or controlled substances, alcohol, or weapons are not permitted at the audition and the final competition. 2.1. Please refer to the document of General Information listed on the official website for detailed information of the time and dates for the Preliminary Round. 3.1. The final round will be held on Friday, March 27th, 2020, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. 3.2. All finalists are required to report with their UBC Student ID (for UBC Categories) or a photo ID (for Non-UBC Categories) to the registration table at the competition venue according to time stated in the confirmation email. 3.3. Each finalist will be invited to sing a song of their choice with a time length that is no more than 4 minutes. The song can be different from the one at the preliminary round. 4.1 Each contestant/group is entitled to compete for the First, Second and Third Prize in the respective category. The Audience Choice Award will be given to the most popular unit selected by live audience voting. 4.2. Organizer may request contestants to participate in additional activities relating to the competition, including interviews and appearances at promotional, publicity, and sponsorship activities. 4.3. Contestants should acknowledge that the interests of the competition is prioritized, and organizers reserve the right to make any final decisions regarding the competition. 4.4. At all times during the competition, the organizer reserves the right of veto over the choice of song, even where contestants have been permitted to select that song. Please note that we reserve rights to disqualify contestants with songs that contain inappropriate language, political ideas and violent thoughts. 4.4. Organizer is not responsible for an absence of a contestant for any reason. 4.5. Organizer has the right to require proof of identity and/or eligibility. Failure to provide such proof within a reasonable time could result in disqualification from the competition. 4.6. All personal details and information requested by and supplied to organizer by each contestant must be truthful, accurate and in no way misleading. Failing to do so will result in disqualification otherwise. 4.7. Organizer reserves the right to amend the competition rules or terminate the competition at any time without any liability to contestants. 4.8. Organizer reserves the right to replace any disqualified contestants with another contestant that may have been previously eliminated from the competition. The choice of replacement is determined at the committees' discretion. 4.9. Contestants must behave appropriately and obey the competition rules at all times. Violation of the rules will result in disqualification. Organizer retains the final decision regarding any cases of violation and disqualification. 4.10. By participating in the competition, contestants agree to waive any and all claims they may now and in the future have against, and release from all liability. Contestants also promise not to sue the competition organizers and their volunteers, agents or representatives for any personal injuries, death and property damages, expenses or loss sustained by the contestant as a result of their participation in the competition due to any cause. 4.11. These competition rules are additional to the terms and conditions of the Registration Forms signed by the contestant.
Rules and Regulations 比賽規則
There will be three streams in this competition:
(1) 母語組 UBC - Cantonese as First Language
(2) 非母語組 UBC - Cantonese as an Additional Language
(3) 友校組 Non-UBC1. Contestant Eligibility and Requirements
2. The Preliminary Competition (The Audition)
3. The Final Round
4. General Competition Rules
You are invited to view the website, program booklet, and photo album of the First UBC Cantonese Singing Contest.
For inquiries, please contact the organizing committee of the Second UBC Cantonese Singing Contest at
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