Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class Series – Standing Up with Vivek
粵語流行文化大師班講座系列 – 《Vivek Stand 噏齊齊講 》
Hong Kong Standup Comedian – Vivek Mahbubani will share his experience as a standup comedian in Hong Kong and discuss the secrets of humor with our guest moderator Dr. Charles Lam from Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Don’t miss this opportunity to unveil the mystery of a standup comedian!
香港著名棟篤笑演員阿V (Vivek Mahbubani)會同我哋分享寳貴舞台經驗,同埋嘉賓主持香港恒生大學林子鈞博士討論幽默之道。想知道更多?咁就要嚟《Vivek Stand 噏齊齊講 》啦!
Program in Cantonese on Zoom
粵語講座於網上以 ZOOM 形式舉行
Speaker: Vivek Mahbubani
Guest moderator: Dr. Charles Lam (HSUHK)
講者:阿V (Vivek Mahbubani)
嘉賓主持:林子鈞博士 (香港恒生大學)
Date:Friday March 26, 2021
Time: 7 pm – 830 pm (Pacific time)
日期: 溫哥華時間 二零二一年三月二十六號 星期五 晚上七至八時半