DOTS By Annie Cheung
《想 · 點》 張雅麗 作品
She is trapped in a weird space. She wants to break free.
Or maybe she just wants to die without actually having to make any effort to kill herself…
Written and performed by Annie Cheung, DOTS is her first solo Self-Revelatory performance. Established by the pioneering American drama therapist Professor Renée Emunah, this genre of theatre uses real life experiences of the performer as materials for creation and merges drama therapy and theatre. Teetering dangerously between tragedy and comedy, with brutal honesty and humour, Annie explores her most private struggles in life and death, in love and sex, on earth and in the demonic realm, in self-destruction and rebirth.
《想 · 點》是張雅麗首個「自我揭示」獨腳戲, 此劇種以演出者的真實生命經歷為素材,結合戲劇治療與劇場演出,由美國著名先鋒戲劇治療師Renée Emunah教授創立。從生到死,從愛到性,從人間到靈界,從自毀到重生,張氏大膽遊走於悲劇與喜劇之間,以最殘酷的誠實與幽默, 探索自身在高功能抑鬱症及存在意義上最私密的掙扎。
The presentation contains adult contents, coarse language, and may have disturbing scenes and sounds of popping balloons.
Reviews during the London run:
“…this dark, autobiographical piece of theatre is brutally honest, extremely relatable and full of humour.” – North West End UK
“Awesome, vulnerable yet powerful performance.” – ShesDiverse
“A high-impact show, it highlights beautiful simplicity by its lighting and design, alongside Annie’s beautiful handling of the props.” – Two Lasses in London
“Annie Cheung’s Dots is an intensely autobiographical work, and a tour de force of solo performance.” – Black Box Review
“Elegantly constructed…performed with wit and heart.” – Merryn Owen, Head of Postgraduate Performance, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts
“Beautiful, raw and real. Taps into universal human feelings and experiences whilst being courageously personal.” – Rachel Dussek, audience review on StageDoor
About Annie Cheung:
A Hong Kong actress. Currently the Associate Professor of Practice at the Academy of Film of the Hong Kong Baptist University. A former full-time actress at the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and a former artiste at HKTV with over 40 credits in theatre and screen productions. Nominated for the Best Supporting Actress at the 22nd Hong Kong Drama Awards for her performance as Mrs. Muller in Doubt: A Parable.
香港女演員。現任香港浸會大學電影學院專業應用副教授。前香港話劇團全職演員及香港電視藝員, 曾參與超過 40個劇場及影視製作。憑演繹《聖訴》Mrs. Muller一角獲提名第二十二屆香港舞台劇獎最佳女配角。
Creative Team 創作團隊:
Writer, Performer and Director 編劇、演出及導演: Annie Cheung 張雅麗
Dramaturg 戲劇構作: Alice Fitzgerald
Dramatherapist 戲劇治療師: Dr. Julianne Mullen-Williams
Date & Time:
Wednesday, May 18 | 7:30pm – 9:00pm
This performance will be in English.
Friday, May 20 | 7:30pm – 9:00pm
This performance will be in Cantonese.
五月十八日(星期三) 7:30pm – 9:00pm
五月二十日(星期五) 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Location 地點:
UBC Asian Center Auditorium 亞洲中心大講堂
1871 West Mall, Vancouver, BC
The Cantonese Language Program adheres to Provincial Health Orders and UBC COVID-19 Campus Rules. Currently, face coverings are required for all indoor public areas at UBC Vancouver. You can find the latest UBC COVID-19 Campus Rules at https://srs.ubc.ca/covid-19/ubc-campus-rules-guidance-documents/
卑詩大學粵語課程將嚴格遵守省政府健康指引以及卑詩大學的相關校園規定。現在在卑詩大學校園內所有室內公共範圍都需要佩戴口罩。相關校內規定請瀏覽: https://srs.ubc.ca/covid-19/ubc-campus-rules-guidance-documents/
This performance is free & open to the public. Registration is required via the forms below.