Cantonese Teaching Workshop 粵語教學工作坊

Cantonese Teaching Workshop 粵語教學工作坊

Speakers: UBC Cantonese Program Lecturer Dr. Zoe Lam & Director Raymond Pai

講者: 卑詩大學粵語課程講師林慧雯博士 及 白文杰主任 

Date: July 15, 2023
日期:2023年 7月15日
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Vancouver Time
時間:溫哥華時間下午 6 點至 8 點
Location: Room 604, Asian Centre, 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
地點:卑詩大學亞洲中心 604 室
Hybrid/Online and In-Person
Program in Cantonese 粵語講座
Broadcast on Zoom only for the first hour. (6:00 – 7:00pm PDT) 
首小時網上直播 (下午 6 點至 7 點)

Join us for an immersive and dynamic Cantonese teaching workshop if you are interested and passionate about Cantonese teaching. Teachers of all experience levels from seasoned educators to novice instructors are welcomed. Led by Lecturers of the Cantonese Language Program Dr. Zoe Lam and Director Raymond Pai, the workshop delves into effective teaching methodologies, engaging lesson plans, and interactive activities to create a stimulating learning environment. Gain valuable insights into cultural nuances, pronunciation techniques, and language acquisition strategies specific to Cantonese. Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow educators, exchange ideas, and leave with a toolkit of innovative teaching resources. Refreshments and an attendance certificate will be provided.


Dr. Zoe Lam 林慧雯博士

Dr. Zoe Lam teaches Cantonese language courses at UBC Asian Studies. She is also a faculty associate of UBC Language Sciences and UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative. She works closely with community members, and is the instructor of a Cantonese Saturday School held at the historic Mon Keang School in Vancouver Chinatown. She and her community collaborators received the BC Heritage Award in 2020 for excellence in programming that advances the appreciation, understanding, and practice of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. She was an invited keynote speaker in numerous public talks, seminars, and panel discussions, including the International Mother Language Day, the UBC Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference, and public programs of the Chinese Canadian Museum.

林慧雯博士係加拿大卑詩大學亞洲研究系粵語課程講師,亦係卑詩大學語言科學及共研香江計劃嘅教職員。林博士同唔同社區團體都有緊密合作,而且係溫哥華唐人街文彊學校嘅廣東話老師。佢同佢嘅社區伙伴喺 2020 年獲得 BC Heritage Award,以表彰佢地對促進對有形同無形文化遺產嘅欣賞、理解同實踐方面上嘅卓越成就。林博士曾經被邀請喺好多個唔同講座同研討會上作為演講嘉賓,包括國際母語日、卑詩大學本科生研討會、加拿大華裔博物館所舉辦嘅活動等等。

Raymond Pai 白文杰

Raymond Pai is a Lecturer and the Acting Director of the Cantonese Language Program at the University of British Columbia. He is also a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-funded PhD candidate in the UBC Department of Language and Literacy Education. He currently hosts the “Chatty Cantonese” Podcast with Michigan PhD student Cameron White.

Raymond teaches all levels of Cantonese courses and collaborates with the local community and organizations on various Cantonese-related projects. He received his MA in Linguistics from Brigham Young University. Having taught Chinese at the Defense Language Institute and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, he is currently the Cantonese examiner for the University of Arizona as well as a certified Cantonese examiner for the American Council on the Teaching of the Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

A native of Hong Kong, Raymond’s research and teaching interests include heritage language education, language ideology and learner identity, language technology and testing, and popular culture in language education.

白文杰係卑詩大學粵語課程代理主任及講師,亦係語言及素養教育學系博士生,並獲取加拿大社會科學及人文研究議會全額資助獎學金。佢而家同密芝根大學博士生白國榮 Cameron 共同主持「粵語白白講」播客節目。白文杰教授各級廣東話課程,同埋同當地社區同機構合作,進行與廣東話及其文化有關嘅各種項目。之前喺美國百翰楊大學攞咗語言學碩士學位同英語教學研究證書。佢曾經喺美國加州蒙特利嘅國防語言學院同 Middlebury 國際研究所教授中文,亦都喺加州擔任過認證翻譯同埋口譯師,而家係亞利桑那大學及美國外語教學議會認證嘅廣東話考試主考官。作為香港人,白文杰嘅研究同埋教學興趣包括傳承語言教育、語言意識形態及身份認同、語言科技及測試、以及流行文化語言教育。 

Registration for: “Cantonese Teaching Workshop 粵語教學工作坊