Cantonese Culture MasterClass Series – Cantopop: Then, Now, and Beyond
粵語文化大師班講座系列 – 明日話今天:粵語流行曲回顧與前瞻
Speaker: Dominic Chung
講者: 鍾肇峯
Dominic Chung, one of the first students of Joseph Koo. Joining the music industry in the 1970s, he first started arranging music before working as a music producer. His first published work was “Love World” by Roman Tam, and later wrote music for many singers, including Danny Chan, Paula Tsui, Johnny Yip, and Frances Yip, etc.
February 10, 2023 6-7:30pm PDT
(HK time February 11 10-11:30am)
二零二三年二月十日 晚上6至7點半 溫哥華時間
(香港時間 二月十一日 早上10至11點半)
Program in Cantonese on Zoom
粵語講座於網上以 ZOOM 形式舉行