Exploring New Phases and Possibilities of HK Pop: from Canto Pop to Vanto Pop and many more 探索香港流行曲新紀元
Speakers: Dr. Chi Chung Wong (HKU/903DJ), Victor Tse
講者: 黃志淙博士 (HKU/903DJ), 謝國維監製
Moderator: Dr. Zoe Lam (UBC)
主持人: 林慧雯博士(UBC)
About Dr. Wong Chi Chung:
Dr. WONG Chi Chung is Head of General Education Unit at The University of Hong Kong since 2011. Both of his MPhil and PhD theses in HKU are themed on HK Pop Music and Global Pop Culture. He is also a veteran radio DJ, music critic, and curator. Focusing on international music and local pop/indie music culture, he plays an active role in promoting international and local art and culture through radio and TV programmes, and through curating various cross-cultural projects, including the Mandarin version of David Bowie’s song Seven Years in Tibet (1997), Dream Come True 80 Days Around the World (2000), PoPo Song (2004), James Wong Study (2005), Centennial Exhibition of Chinese Records (2006), Hong Kong Pop/Performing Culture: Creativity and Dynamics (2007), Farewell Ka Kui 15th Anniversary (2008), Gen-S Concert for Shanghai Expo (2010), and Hong Kong Week in Taipei (2012), Ryuichi Sakamoto’s album async (2017), Heritage Museum (HK Pop 60+ : Canto Pop Oral History) (2021). Wong currently hosts the radio show ‘Chi Chung’s Choice’ on CR2 FM 90.3.
黃志淙博士為香港大學通識教育總策劃 ,亦是資深電台DJ、樂評人和音樂策展人。多年來,他致力透過電台電視等媒介推廣本地和國際文化藝術,着眼國際音樂和本地音樂文化,曾策劃多個跨文化項目,包括於1997年與大衛寶兒合作的國語歌《剎那天地》、「八十日環遊世界音樂蜜月」(2000)、「後沙士」關愛歌曲《抱抱歌》(2004)、《黃霑書房》 (2005)、《中國唱片百年展》 (2006)、《香港流行演藝文化: 創意與動力展》 (2007)、「別了家駒15載」 紀念活動 (2008)、2010年上海世界博覽會中的《唱作世代》音樂會和台北「香港週2012」、坂本龍一 “async” 大碟 (2017)、文化博物館 (廣東歌口述歷史)(2021)。黃志淙目前擔任商業電台903節目《Chi Chung’s Choice》主持。
About Mr. Victor Tse:
Victor Tse is the founder and music director of Frenzi Music Limited. He is an award-winning songwriter and producer. For over a decade, Victor has proven himself a consistent leader in the Music Industry. His versatile music style made him a sought after music producer.
He has been active since he released his first published song for Jeff Chang in 1996 and won the champion of the C.A.S.H. competition in 1997. He has composed numerous chart-topping songs for major record label artists such as Eason Chan (陳奕迅), Eric Suen (孫耀威), Kay Tse (謝安琪), Hins Cheung (張敬軒), Leo Ku (古巨基), Vivian Chow (周慧敏), Twins, Cindy Wang (王心凌) and many others. Many of them earned recognition in various annual music awards.
In 2011, Victor co-founded Frenzi Music Limited with renowned singer-songwriter Vicky Fung. He focuses on developing uniquely styled new artists under their label. Successful new artists/bands/groups include Michael Lai (黎曉陽), Siu Hau Tang (鄧小巧), Nowhere Boys & per se.
Victor is dedicated to creating a better music culture for our future. He continues to take part in different roles such as educator, consultant and partner of music platform. He is one of the founders of Musicbee. He aims to nurture a better music culture.
In year 2017, he received the most prestigious award in the industry, the CASH Golden Sail Music Awards, voted by all composers, authors and publishers. The song Silvery Hair (銀髮白) performed by Yoyo Sham (岑寧兒) & Eman Lam (林二汶), produced by Victor and his associates earned them the Best Song 2017.
Victor is a very productive composer, his list of music and lyrics works accumulated to more than 400 titles registered under CASH. And throughout the years, he had gained experience to become an artist manager, show curator and educator.
謝國維為 Frenzi Music Limited 合夥人及製作總監。他是一位非常全面的音樂製作人,擅長各類型曲風的作曲、編曲及監製, 亦不時參與電影、電視及廣告配樂。
自1996年發表第一首作品張信哲的《仍然心痛》及1997年奪得第9屆 CASH 流行曲創作大賽冠軍後,他一直參與不同歌手的歌曲製作。他創作的多首作品均獲得廣泛認同,當中包括 《陪你度過漫長歲月》(陳奕迅)、《思前戀後》(孫耀威) 、《時代》(古巨基)、《滄海遺珠》(謝安琪/劉浩龍)、《勾手指尾》(鍾一憲、麥貝夷)等。其他曾合作歌手包括:周慧敏、張敬軒、小肥、Twins、張紹涵、品冠等。其熱播創作亦於多個媒體的年度頒獎禮中取得年度大獎。
除詞曲創作,他的編曲和製作能力亦廣被認同。編曲作品亦涵蓋許多不同類型歌手及組合,包括:衛蘭、楊千嬅、麥浚龍、黃耀明、Dear Jane、吳雨霏、藍奕邦、陳柏宇等。
2011年,他與著名音唱作人馮穎琪成立了 Frenzi Music Limited,建立了自己的錄音室和音樂品牌,努力發掘並培育有質素的音樂人。他近年主力為品牌旗下歌手及組合製作歌曲及專輯,成功為每個單位確立各具特色的音樂風格,而且都得到很好的迴響。當中包括:黎曉陽、鄧小巧、Nowhere Boys、per se 及黃靖。
他同時也是音樂眾籌平台音樂蜂創辦人之一 ,為積極推動主流和獨立音樂努力,希望成就更多有質素的音樂計劃。
Program in Cantonese on Zoom
粵語講座於網上以 ZOOM 形式舉行
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