Interact with Director Norris Wong 與導演黃綺琳細談填詞及廣東話

Interact with Director Norris Wong 與導演黃綺琳細談填詞及廣東話

Speaker: Director Norris Wong

講者: 導演黃綺琳

Date: May 26, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Vancouver Time
時間:下午6點至7點 (溫哥華時間)
Online Program in Cantonese via Zoom
粵語節目 Zoom 線上講座

We are thrilled to collaborate with CHIME Canada @thechimecanada and UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative @ubchkstudies for a special online talk event on May 26 6pm Pacific Time to Interact with Director Norris Wong 黃綺琳導演 @norris_wong_lyricist about her new award winning Hong Kong film The Lyricist Wannabe 填詞 L, which starts screening across North America on May 17.

50 seats are reserved for current and former UBC Cantonese and Hong Kong studies related course students, who can register on the registration below starting May 14.

Another 50 seats will be open to the general public for Cineplex ticket holders. Registration can be accessed through the bio link on the CHIME Canada Instagram. First come first serve!

Registration for: