The Dragon’s Story: A celebration of legendary Bruce Lee with Stephen Au「永恆英雄——李小龍」:逝世50周年紀念分享會

The Dragon’s Story: A celebration of legendary Bruce Lee with Stephen Au 「永恆英雄——李小龍」:逝世 50 周年紀念分享會

Presenter: Stephen Au
講者: 歐錦棠
Date: July 20, 2023
日期:2023 年 7 月 20 日
Cantonese Presentation: July 20th, 2023, 4:30-5:30 PM 
廣東話節目:7 月 20 日 下午 4 點半至 5 點半
English Presentation: Thursday July 20th, 2023, 6:30-7:30PM 
英語節目:7 月 20 日 下午 6 點半至 7 點半
Location: Chinatown Storytelling Centre, 168 E Pender Street, Vancouver BC, V6A 1T3 
地點:溫哥華華埠掌故片打東街 168 號

The Cantonese Language Program together with Chinatown Storytelling Centre and Theatre Dojo will be co-hosting the 50th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s passing. The event will be a lively evening of stories, rarely seen footage, and a show-and-tell of original artifacts from the personal collection of Stephen Au. An acclaimed actor and director from Hong Kong, Stephen will share his passion and knowledge of Bruce Lee’s legendary career as a martial artist, actor, and global star. 

今年是李小龍逝世 50 週年,超級粉絲、香港著名演員及導演歐錦棠,將分享李小龍作為蜚聲國際的功夫及電影巨星的故事,歐錦棠並將展示罕有的紀錄片段及其收藏的珍貴展品。

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