@ubcclubhk X@sfuhks_852 Present:
距離 SFU HKS x UBC Club HK 粵語歌唱比賽 給缺席的人唱首歌 嘅決賽仲有一個禮拜咋,大家快啲把握時間買飛喇!
🎟️決賽將會喺11月12號UBC Chan Center Telus Theater 晚上7:15至10:00舉行,而當日下午6:40開始進場,各位觀眾可以提早到達現場為你支持嘅選手打打氣!門票售價為$21.5,或者可以選擇$31嘅VIP飛近距離欣賞決賽選手同特邀嘉賓 @flyingdancestudios @sam_mo_o and @i_am_kelvin_chan 為我哋帶黎嘅表演!上年我哋好榮幸邀請到Mirror隊長Lokman楊樂文同許廷鏗為我哋嘅參賽者講幾番鼓勵說話。如果好奇今年會係邊位,就快啲買飛入場睇啦👀 現場更有多份精美禮物幸運抽獎,禮物價值$500!
🥁而家就等我哋為各位公佈今次一眾嘅決賽選手啦~ 分別有:
Sophie Yung 容心悅
Damon Wong 黃煒琮
Mia Lau 劉汶諺
Ernest Chan 陳宇謙
Kassandra Lo 羅琳
Vincent Law 羅穎生
Iris Lee 李昭盈
Barnabas Cheng 甄浩揚
👏🏻非常感謝 @ubccantonese 全力支持和贊助本次活動!
UBC Club HK x SFU HKS Cantonese Singing Contest Final Round will be happening in a week!
🎟️On 12th November, the final round will be held from 7:15 to 9pm at the UBC TELUS THEATER. Doors are open at 6:40pm, and we encourage you to come earlier and cheer on the finalists you support! Tickets are sold at $21.5 each, or you could get VIP tickets at $31 and enjoy performances brought by finalists and our special guest @flyingdancestudios @sam_mo_o and @i_am_kelvin_chan up close! Last year We had Lok Man from Mirror and Alfred Hui filming a supportive video for us. If you are curious about this year’s supporters, be sure to buy the tickets now 👀In addition, there will also be lucky draws, with gifts valued at $500!
🥁Now let us introduce our finalists~ They are:
Sophie Yung 容心悅
Damon Wong 黃煒琮
Mia Lau 劉汶諺
Ernest Chan 陳宇謙
Kassandra Lo 羅琳
Vincent Law 羅穎生
Iris Lee 李昭盈
Barnabas Cheng 甄浩揚
Our finalists were just announced, but are you also wondering who our judges will be? 👀 This year, we are honoured to have Alex Fung, Harris Ho, Richard Yuen and William Ho as our judges to share with us their professional and valuable comments for the contestants! 👏
Let’s learn more about them below:
Alex Fung – EEG Concert Director and Artist Management @enjoylifeaf

Over 20 years of experience in artist management and large-scaled concert planning. Joined Emperor Entertainment Group in 1999 as the General Artist Manager, working with numerous superstars from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for countless concerts.
Harris Ho – Prominent Music Director in well-known artists’ concerts @hobing_goomusic

Developed his own music career and built his reputation as a concert music director, song producer, composer, arranger and concert pianist of famous singers in the Hong Kong music industry. Has extensive experience and received various awards for many of his works in performance and music production.
Richard Yuen – Chief Concert & Record Producer

Responsible for musical arrangement of studio albums for well-known Hong Kong superstars over the years. Has been nominated for the Best Original Film Score at the Hong Kong Film Awards. His outstanding original music production has been recognized in Asia, North America and Europe.
William Ho – Senior DJ and TV host at Fairchild TV @howoodkuen

DJ since 1978 with a loveable and loyal audience for his daily long-running Fairchild Radio Program “Good Morning Vancouver”. Over 40 years of experience as an all-rounded artist hosting concerts and radio shows.
👏🏻A huge thank you to UBC Cantonese for supporting and sponsoring this event!
Come and support your friends on 12th November. Let us witness the birth of this year’s best Canto-pop singer in Metro Vancouver!
If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to
@ubcclubhk or
@sfuhks_852 via Instagram DM or email.
UBC CNTO Term 1 students will be given
a special promo for $2 off (limited to 60 persons) if you are interested in it! Please contact your CNTO instructor for more information on the promotional code. You can buy your ticket on this