Cantopop: Then, Now, and Beyond 明日話今天:粵語流行曲回顧與前瞻

Cantonese Musicals: Why, Why, Tell Me Why? 粵語音樂劇的十萬個為什麼

A Conversation on the Adventures in Hong Kong Filmmaking with Director Alfred Cheung 香港電影你好嘢!- 與張堅庭導演一席話

Gender and Popular Culture in Hong Kong 性別與香港流行文化

Online Content Creators As Educators 網絡媒體與粵語教學

From Humanities to Digital Humanities: Cantonese Studies in the Big Data Era

Teaching and Learning of Chinese Words: Standard Chinese vs. Hong Kong Chinese

Experimental Painting and Painting Theories in Colonial Hong Kong (1940-1980): Reflections on Cultural Identity 香港繪畫美學 (1940-1980) 與文化身份的反思

Cantonese Teaching Workshop 粵語教學工作坊